Our Dodge Viper was leaking antifreeze. Took it to the Dodge dealership.Dodge said it was the radiator. Turns out we did not have the factory radiator. We had a fluidyne aftermarket radiator. So we ordered a roe racing aluminum radiator. And Dodge put it in. 15 minutes after getting the Viper back. The temperature gauge when sitting still would climb over 225 degrees. It will not go back down to 180 degrees unless we were driving over 20 miles an hour or on the freeway. Then the check engine light came on.
Took it back to the Dodge dealership the same day. They said the check engine light code was. "Cooling fan module" . Dodge said they can fix it. However, they did not make that part anymore. And we would have to track down the cooling fan module and bring the car back and they could put it in.
Got the Viper back home and open the hood and noticed that the cooling fan was not running while the engine was on with the temperature steadily climbing. Per the manual, the cooling fan module is located in the cooling fan motor. Located a cooling fan motor from a salvage yard. Bought it. Decided to install it ourself since it seemed like an easy job. But when I looked at the cooling fan motor that was on there, one of the wires was melted and frayed. When I took that cooling fan motor out and plugged in the used salvage motor and put everything back together. Cooling fan motor did not run and check engine light is still on.
The check engine light has never came on before. Car has never ran hot before. Even sitting in rush hour traffic on hot summer day.
Any ideas or help. I've included pictures or the bad cooling fan motor.