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  1. #1

    Shifter shifter bushing play

    Putting in a new shifter and I notice I have some play in the shifter.

    With the shifter completely removed, this arm has some play in it:


    Is any play there normal? How much is normal/not normal?

    Does too much play here point to needing to replace the shifter bushing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    It's probably not worn out, probably desinged for 200,000+ miles, but I replaced mine anyway while it was apart. I like the idea of a bronze one.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Old School View Post
    It's probably not worn out, probably desinged for 200,000+ miles, but I replaced mine anyway while it was apart. I like the idea of a bronze one.
    Do you recall any play with the original one?

    Do you know if I can change that bushing out without dropping the trans / from the interior?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    I did mine during a trans swap. I've read that some are glued in and some aren't (mine was). If it's not, no problem. If it is, you would need to drive the roll pin out that's retaining sifter cup in the tailhousing of the trans. It took a bit of chiseling to get the old nylon bushing out (in pieces).

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Old School View Post
    I did mine during a trans swap. I've read that some are glued in and some aren't (mine was). If it's not, no problem. If it is, you would need to drive the roll pin out that's retaining sifter cup in the tailhousing of the trans. It took a bit of chiseling to get the old nylon bushing out (in pieces).
    Any pictures so I could get an idea of what this looks like?

    Were you able to do that without dropping the transmission?

    It looks like I might have access by drilling out the rivets for the rubber shift boot?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    North Alabama
    Quote Originally Posted by donb View Post
    Any pictures so I could get an idea of what this looks like?

    Were you able to do that without dropping the transmission?

    It looks like I might have access by drilling out the rivets for the rubber shift boot?
    I don't have any photos but this has some from a Gen2:

    Mine is a Gen3. I was swapping out a grenaded T56 for a TR6060. It's pretty tight around the shifter in the car and I think a Gen5 might be worse.



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