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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    You can t winter drive these things

    So I'm usually the guy that says "If you put proper tires on it you can winter drive anything!" which I still hold to be true from a traction standpoint.

    That said, I was under the car the other day admiring the, um, underside of the car and noticed this 1/4" gap on some panel below the flywheel. Ya probably don't want salt, chemicals and sand getting in there! Is it normal to have this big of gap?

    I wasn't planning on going skiing with it anyway but still. Not used to seeing that kind of vulnerability on other cars I've had.

    I like the ACR even more because of this BTW. Totally no fucks given by Dodge!

    OK...back to the garage to admire the underside of the car...happy Sunday!
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