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Thread: BJ auction

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  1. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greenwood Village, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    George there has never been any proof that the TA badge was delivered with the car, before today no one has ever even said that. Obviously it was delivered somehow from FCA, but that delivery was in the form of a parts order for 10 TA badges. FCA allowed 10 identical ACRs to be made so that Woodhouse could have their own special edition. Theyre awesome cars and Im glad theyre resealing so well. I even think the orange looks better on the ACR. But since you called it out yes I think Bill is lying by omission where the TA badge came from.

    I think I will go with their approval and the Dodge build and let the money Collectors are willing to pay define things

    is some pretty good politician bullshit if you ask me.

    Ive posted for a long time if anyone has actual facts to the contrary Ill shut up and apologize. But those involved with the build wont refute it. Im a data guy and facts not political bs matter to me.

    Edit - formatting sucks on Bills quote above because this damn forum doesnt handle quotes or apostrophes correctly on iPhones.
    Dude, you need to take a pill or something. Calling Bill P. a liar is ridiculous. He has forgotten more about Vipers and Dodges than you will ever know. I have known him for years and he has never lied. His passion for the Viper help bring our community things like the Gen IV ACR convertible, the ACR/TA, the Viper Rendezvous in Hastings, and other stuff. The Gen IV ACR convertible is one of the rarest snakes ever made. You are really getting hung up on some crazy stuff. Bill and the other big Viper dealers regularly spoke with Dodge and made recommendations on the Viper. Lying by omission isn't something Bill would do. ViperGeorge out.
    Last edited by ViperGeorge; 01-19-2020 at 06:06 PM.



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