A friend is building his car for show. I took a few shots of the diffuser in the shop.
Photos populated upside down, edited.
A friend is building his car for show. I took a few shots of the diffuser in the shop.
Photos populated upside down, edited.
Last edited by LATAMUD; 12-10-2019 at 08:31 AM.
That's a lot of work to build your own. There is another thread about a similar product from Agency Power for less than $2K.
OMG the strakes on that are AWESOME!!!
These would be SICK with Magnesium or Iridium pieces built into them... like our pucks for road racing motorcycles they would spray sparks when bottoming out.
Looks badass!
Definitely looks Nice!
As Chris Harris would say..."Now that is a propa diffuser".
Maybe, APR can copy this design and implement it into their existing CF diffuser.
Made some strakes that attach to my short metal ones.
what material it was used to do the extensions?
1/4 inch ABS plastic
Thanks Mahdi. I was planning to update, your photos are better than mine.
That's absolutely stunning!!
I like how the strakes/blades extend all the way up to the paint, but it doesn't appear to hang down into the undercar airflow like the OE diffuser does. Looks awesome and you won't clunk it off stuff going over bumps, but probably doesn't provide any aerodynamic benefit.
They should have relocated the back-up light assemblies to elsewhere and swept the whole tailpan up all the way, and then extended the strakes as far forward as possible.
Last edited by Bryan Savage; 01-20-2020 at 12:46 PM.
I like it! Looks very functional to me, but what do I know. Maybe Pappy can chime in. Would be cool to see pics from underneath.
I wouldn't mind something like the below on my race car- Pappy let's build it! LOL