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  1. #1

    Over fueling issue GTS ACR TNT Viper


    Wondering if anyone can assist. I have an over fuelling issue on a 2002 GTS ACR, tuned by TNT. The lambda sensor was replaced as it was believed to be at fault but the car is still over fuelling and backfiring even at tick over. Being in the UK I don't have ready access to tuners with available diagnostics software.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience of using the Witech VCI pod tool (as below) and the DRB III emulation software.. Will it allow me to read and write back to the ECU? Or is something to steer clear from.. It would be handy to be able to diagnose any vehicle system faults and have the software so our tuner can remap it if necessary.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    When was the last time it was running correctly? You don't state that, nor what has transpired since then. All things are relevant until being ruled as irrelevant.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Nashvizzle TN
    was was reason for the tuning?
    modification to engine? if so, what.

  4. #4
    it was tuned from New by TNT motorsport. prior to my ownership. The car is rarely used. so a while ago..

  5. #5
    Tech Team

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Santa Monica Ca
    Check the fuel pressure, the regulator could be stuck and the pressure too high. Another problem for over fueling is a bad cam sensor.

    If you have a programmer, you could download the tune and e-mail it too me. I could take a look and see if the calibration looks suspect.

  6. #6
    Thanks DAn.. Will investigate these and provide update. Managed to find someone who can plug the car in finally so should be able to finally find out whats wrong..

  7. #7
    Managed to get a result using an Autel MS905 diagnostics tool. the 4 sensors in the exhaust are reading 0 everything else looks good.. so will investigate a repair/replacement of these. Thanks for your help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    Pretty unusual that all 4 O2s would go bad at once. Sounds like a PCM issue or tune problem.



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