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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]

    G5 Kumho ACR SALE

    PartsRack is offering the lowest price we've EVER HAD on 4 new Viper Tires, for G5 ACR. 19"F + 19"R.

    Under $1200/set ! Email me if you need some Kumhos? ACR-Es seem to eat 4 fronts for every pair of rears! Great deal on pairs, too. No OLD-OLD tires.......recent dates few late 16, some 17, mostly 18, some early 19. And No, I cannot cherry pick, sorry.

    Low stocks....

    Please Email me: Thanks

    Also shipping ZEROs now, and CORSAs in about 4 weeks..... Please order NOW to ensure you get some of this small production run.....
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 10-25-2019 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Hey Jon, what are your thoughts on how long Kumho is going to produce these tires? I'm thinking of getting an extra set to put in storage - but that would be a waste if they keep making them for a few more years (hopefully then there will be decent alternatives). I'm thinking that since people go through these tires so quick, even though there aren't a lot of ACRs out there, the number of tires being replaced must be 3x or 4x the number for "regular" cars. Hopefully there's a decent business case for Kumho (or someone else) to keep this tire available.

  3. #3
    Heck super cheap also.. $600 less than the corsas. Wow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Kumho is better about building smaller-batch seasonal tires than most others, ex snow tire guys of course. .

    I hate the 'group buy' goose-chases of trying to crowd-source PAYING TireBuyers, vs. curious buyers. It almost NEVER works.

    Im pretty sure the "ACR" sidewall will go away soon.

    If you buy. just store in plastic drum liners and suck air out with vacuum. So that even a bug inside the bag would suffocate.... No Oxygen = No almost no oxidation. Dont store in hot attic or freezing garage
    Last edited by JonB ~ PartsRack; 10-25-2019 at 07:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by JonB ~ PartsRack View Post
    Im pretty sure the "ACR" sidewall will go away soon.
    Elaborate? I noticed on Tire Rack's site they show fewer than 8 in stock of the Kumho rears. Is this the beginning of the end? Please elaborate oh mystical one. Should these end production, what's out best option out there for the ACR, at this time?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Dodge City
    Be my luck the one's I got were the 16's, they almost be out of date before I got them on my car!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Up The River..[Columbia River Gorge near Portland OR]
    Old ones gone...



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