Since becoming a Gen IV ACR owner last year, I started looking into the production data out of curiosity. It seems like different sources list different production numbers for Gen IV. Does anyone know what the correct numbers are? Would be nice to come to a consensus.
Here is what I found:
2008 -
1,596 (Viperstore) or 1,579 (also Viperstore, conflicting) or 1,579 (Viper Magazine)
179 of which were ACR's (Viper Magazine & Viperstore)
2009 -
660 (Viperstore & Viper Registry) or 659 (Viper Magazine)
245 of which were ACR's (Viperstore) or 251 (Viper Magazine)
2010 -
510 (Viperstore & Viper Registry) or 507 (Viper Magazine)
244 of which were ACR's (Viperstore) or 257 (Viper Magazine)
50 of the ACR's were ACR-X's (All sources seem to agree)
Has Dodge ever released official production data for Gen IV?
Side note - it's crazy to me how few of the Gen IV ACR's sold (~700), given all the track records, exotic looks and "affordable" price. I guess that was a sign of the times, as it was during the "great recession".