Urgently need a clean thermostat housing for my 2002 GTS. Please email ike8sec AT gmail DOT com
Urgently need a clean thermostat housing for my 2002 GTS. Please email ike8sec AT gmail DOT com
It's corroded pretty badly? Mine was in rough shape on my 2001. Water pump was pretty corroded too, I replaced it and treated some corrosion on the block before it got out of hand.
You'll have better luck on the FaceBook pages.....Mike Scherzberg or Ryan Hagen.
These VOA Forums don't allow advertising for other than site sponsored vendors.
Last edited by MH60M; 08-13-2019 at 07:18 AM.
I don’t do FaceBook, but I’ll PM Mike. Selling a used item shouldn’t be viewed as an issue.