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  1. #26
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    A lot of folks have made choices to be part of something a lot more open and organized with open communication and allowing the regions to dictate most of policy. From what I have seen it is going to be difficult for a VOI to be pulled off with the same events as previous years and will need additional funding from folks outside thier organization to make it happen. Not trying to sway peoples decisions on attending the event, but the VOA is young and needs to focus internally to get to the point of having large events like in the past. I am just worried that our members will be adding the the other entities revenue. In the end we wouild like to be one happy club again.



  2. #27
    I won't be anywhere near it.
    They don't put the event on for no profit. The money paid to go will end up as profit for the VCA. Paul and Nsane1 have clearly shown on multiple occasions (more and more lately) that absolutely nothing has changed except the names.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TowDawg View Post
    I won't be anywhere near it.
    They don't put the event on for no profit. The money paid to go will end up as profit for the VCA. Paul and Nsane1 have clearly shown on multiple occasions (more and more lately) that absolutely nothing has changed except the names.
    This is a fundraiser for the VCA. Obviously up to VOA members to make their own choice. But you will witness a massive marketing campaign and appeal by the VCA to "promote Viper nation unity" and all that in a last ditch effort to ward off financial collapse. Even if every single VCA member attends (a virtual impossibility), they will run a huge deficit. Needless to say, it's an interesting strategic move on their part. Wait and watch for the desperate "forgive our sins, we will always love you" VOA member appeal.
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  4. #29
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    Just another money making attempt for the VCA. I hope most can see through the smoke they are blowing over there.

  5. #30
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your right Brian^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Lets not forget what we went through last year with all of their Crap!!!!!!!!!!

    They have NOT changed, just Smoke and Mirrors..........and I still have received my magazines yet!!

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Mannny View Post
    ..........and I still have received my magazines yet!!

    Sadly, that is really funny. Sorry to chuckle at your expense.

    BTW - Wait till you see our first Quarterly! All I can say is WOW!
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
    2022 BMW X5M Comp
    Resident Misanthrope

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    Sadly, that is really funny. Sorry to chuckle at your expense.

    BTW - Wait till you see our first Quarterly! All I can say is WOW!
    I will make it sound worse the magazines for Europe still have not arrived either!

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    Sadly, that is really funny. Sorry to chuckle at your expense.

    BTW - Wait till you see our first Quarterly! All I can say is WOW!
    I meant to say, I still have NOT received my magazines yet!!! I am sooooo glad that we do not have to deal with those clowns anymore.

  9. #34
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    Having a VOI, eh? Well, good for them! Hopefully all 27 of their members will be able to attend..

  10. #35
    Join Date
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    They will try to do what they can to survive and you can not blame them, we would do the same thing in their shoes. HOWEVER a VOI without a major manufacturer presence is not a VOI IMHO, it is just a another ordinary club gathering. No real authorized SRT representation from the manufacturer at this VOI13 means it is a complete waste of time and money to me anyway. Don't even get started on the 5th string Mopar parts contact they are trying to pass off as their main SRT contact relationship.

    Each has a choice to make but a summer weekend with Lutz, Gale, Casting, Ralph, Sergio, the entire SRT design team, auto worker crafts men/women and potentially a full prototype version of the convertible or ACR, on their own turf, in their own factory, in their own Chrysler buildings and on their own proving ground track seems a WHOLE lot more exciting and special than a bunch of guys and gals meeting at a track and having a few dinners together in TX.

    I know where I am spending my money this Summer. Come on Randall, details and booking abilities!!!!! I already booked the time off work and got a pass from the wife and young son to attend. Would love to take my Dad with me to this one as I know when he gets excited at something, he jumps in with both feet. He would probably buy that convertible right off the factory floor. Ha! Ha!

    Personally if they do hold the event and call it VOI13, then I propose the VOA punts that VOI name from all future events. It was great for 20 years but nothing wrong with calling it something else completely.
    Last edited by Coloviper; 03-05-2014 at 05:13 PM.

  11. #36
    This is the one for me........... Back to the roots and People and Viper first..

    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post
    VOA Homecoming July 18-20, 2014

    "Twenty years ago in July, Chrysler hosted the first Viper homecoming in Auburn Hills, which became the Viper Owners Invitational. Since this club is going back to its roots, we thought it would be appropriate to re-live the original homecoming as our first national gathering.

    Chrysler is opening the doors to the Viper plant and their facilities to us and we're heading back to Auburn Hills for the weekend of July 19th. Like the first VOI, this event will not be a track-oriented event, but a social gathering. See how the Viper is built, take a lap around the high-speed oval of their test track, and join us for a cruise to the German town of Frankenmuth. (We're making this spouse friendly.) Of course, every night, there'll be a dinner so you can party with your Viper friends!

    Since most of you don't want to stay in downtown Detroit, we've booked the Marriott hotel in Auburn Hills as our headquarters hotel, about 30 miles north of Detroit, in the shadow of Chrysler's headquarters and the Walter P. Chrysler Museum. It's not only cheaper there, but the neighborhood is nicer! These are regular-sized hotels, not Casinos, so we'll only be able to accommodate around 500 people in the ballroom. Sign up early if you want to come! Details will follow, but mark your calendar. It's gonna be a fun time!"

    All the fine details are being worked out.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    They will try to do what they can to survive and you can not blame them, we would do the same thing in their shoes. HOWEVER a VOI without a major manufacturer presence is not a VOI IMHO, it is just a another ordinary club gathering. No real authorized SRT representation from the manufacturer at this VOI13 means it is a complete waste of time and money to me anyway. Don't even get started on the 5th string Mopar parts contact they are trying to pass off as their main SRT contact relationship.

    Each has a choice to make but a summer weekend with Lutz, Gale, Casting, Ralph, Sergio, the entire SRT design team, auto worker crafts men/women and potentially a full prototype version of the convertible or ACR, on their own turf, in their own factory, in their own Chrysler buildings and on their own proving ground track seems a WHOLE lot more exciting and special than a bunch of guys and gals meeting at a track and having a few dinners together in TX.

    I know where I am spending my money this Summer. Come on Randall, details and booking abilities!!!!! I already booked the time off work and got a pass from the wife and young son to attend. Would love to take my Dad with me to this one as I know when he gets excited at something, he jumps in with both feet. He would probably buy that convertible right off the factory floor. Ha! Ha!

    Personally if they do hold the event and call it VOI13, then I propose the VOA punts that VOI name from all future events. It was great for 20 years but nothing wrong with calling it something else completely.
    Thank you so much for that post CV! It was comforting to see that others understand. Difficult to post as a director at times, since we're so concerned about honesty and balance. Appreciate it!
    2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
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  13. #38
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    From the newly revised VCA "Join" page on their website.

    "Congrats on your new Viper! If you think you have some power now, join the VCA and supercharge your ownership experience! Here is what one member wrote recently, "Dodge and the VCA make owning a Viper an unprecedented ownership experience." Why is that? Because VCA members are family - a family of 4000+ worldwide enjoying all the great benefits the club has to offer. And joining couldn't be an easier."

    So they are now saying that they have 4000+ members. Really? So lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they have 2000 members (because they would have to be counting spouses/partners to make their numbers look larger 2000 X 2=4000). The VOA counter only shows how many primary members we have (spouses/partners not included in the counter). We don't inflate the membership numbers.

    Now here is an excerpt from a thread that the VCA National Treasurer posted on March 3, 2014 in the VCA Member's Only section of their website under "Proposed Budget".

    " I put in notes on the 2014 proposed budget report to try to help explain the numbers. The 1,000 members for 2014 is a very conservative estimate as we felt it best to show you worst case scenario numbers."

    If you have 4000+ members, why would the VCA National Treasurer make a 2014 budget based on only on a conservative worst case scenario estimate of 1000 members? Wouldn't you do a budget for 4000+ members if that is what you had?

    You will also note on this same VCA "JOIN" page:
    1. They mention Viper Magazine, but no promise of how many magazines a member will receive. All they have to do is produce one magazine.

    2. Notice only the mention of "a" discount at VPA-Viper Parts of America. Gone is the 15% and 20% discount.

    When you say your VCA family is made up of 4000+ members, but 34 of your regions, Presidents, and members leave. Then you post your 2014 budget conservatively for only 1000 members?

    When you defy your own new VCA bylaws and have multiple national officers holding zone and regional positions. It's odd that they have 4000+ members, yet have some "Presidents" now over as many as 7 regions. With all those members, you would think they would have some people step up. What happened to the January 2014 elections? You had to be a PAID member to vote. ???

    They knowingly accept peoples hard earned money telling them that one of the benefits is "Involvement with a Regional VCA Club in your area. Contact your local president for a schedule of events and more details." It's going to be kind of hard for a regional President, or for that matter a VCA member, to go to a monthly club meeting/event when some of the areas are in excess of 1200 miles a part?

    Question: For example, VCA AZ, Central Cal, NV, Nor Cal, OR, So Cal, WA
    are under one regional "President", does the portion of a member's regional dues from WA go to help with events in SoCal or vise versa? Regions that are 1200+ miles away? Is VCA national holding all the money now or do they have separate bank accounts in each state in their "new" region?

    All I can say to everyone is, "Fool me once...." Well, you know how the saying goes.
    Last edited by daytonprowler; 03-05-2014 at 06:51 PM.

  14. #39
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    Does anybody know who many VCA members last year ?

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    For one don't speak for "others", that's fine you don't care who puts it on, but the number of people you think don't care might not be entirely accurate. The Houston membership voted to leave the VCA for a reason.
    I am speaking for others, maybe just not YOU, and I will probably see other Houston members there as this is a special VIPER event and a chance for other Viper members to get to together and have a lot of fun as in previous VOIs. I could give a rats butt who profits from it or even if it was put on by Ford for that matter. Politics should be out the door for a VOI event, and yes Im not wild about the VCA either, but I am wild about competing and getting together with other Viper owners at a large level such as this. I do not have to associate and have drinks with their staff, but I will run the heck out of the Viper with many others. It amazes me how my post has deviated like many others have towards politics and not keeping with the original subject, getting together with other Viper owners and driving the wheels off them. And when the VOA puts on a similar event, Im sure many VCA members will join up too.

  16. #41
    Just speaking for myself here but I am really, really, really tired of all the sniping from both sides. It is about the cars and the people you have met because we share an interest. I know a lot of bad juju happened but can't we just let it rest and move on?

  17. #42
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    Randall, while appreciate the effort of the response and everyone needs to vent every now and then , I think we need to focus more on the VOA and our awesome "Homecoming". People are smart and see through the smoke! Release the Kraken of sign up details for the Homecoming and let's get it on. The sooner the details are finalized and released, the easier it is for people to make their plans for their summer events. I only have free time for one National event this year and I won't be going to TX (for play anyway).

    VCA can have their event and I hope it goes well for all involved. No ill regard there. I just believe they play off past manufacturer relationships and leave false impressions that are just not real in their club's life today therefore I would not attend but that is my personal choice. My post response was I did not view this as a true VOI event as I don't see the manufacturer (SRT or Chrysler Fiat) there. I don't think there is any manufacturer relationship there to speak of but I am sure people will get together and race around a bit. You are right, there is value in that too, just not value I would pay an extra $750 to $1,500 (for two) to attend. Not worth the money but that is just me.

    Late Apex, not trying to derail the thread or your intent by introducing politics (wasn't my intent either), I am just providing my opinion. For me, I don't even go to the VCA website to even look around anymore. There is just no redeeming value for me (and obviously others) with what is left of that club. I am still waiting for the last magazine I paid for and am 1/2 expecting a 14 page article and ode to Bob Pantax to appear for that last issue. They already paid homage to Dr. Bob from Arizona in an extreme waste of paper in the last magazine released.

  18. #43
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    Thanks for your comments. Randall has to vent sometimes. Rest assured our focus is the VOA. Were getting ready to send out more membership packets in a couple weeks. Maurice has been working hard on the magazine, content is done, and working on the layout. We're working on a VOA product line.

    Janni and Jim and the rest of the bylaw committee members are getting ready to start working on revisions. Scott and web committee and moderators are working on the website 24/7. Alex and Brad working on the budget among 1000 other things on their plate. Adrian, Chuck, and John are getting more and more vendors for the VOA.

    Homecoming schedule is getting finalized. Contracts for the hotels are done, just getting the rest of the ducks in a row. 30+ emails a day going back and forth with the VOA core team. Things are going great. And like I said before, sorry, but Randall has to vent sometimes.
    Last edited by daytonprowler; 03-05-2014 at 08:55 PM.

  19. #44
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    Late Apex, did the VCA ever ban you for telling the truth? They banned me and several other Viper owners in the Houston area that I spend a lot of time with. It wasn't appreciated and it did affect my ownership experience. I have zero interest in anything VCA related and I sincerely hope they take that show elsewhere.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by daytonprowler View Post

    Now here is an excerpt from a thread that the VCA National Treasurer posted on March 3, 2014 in the VCA Member's Only section of their website under "Proposed Budget".

    " I put in notes on the 2014 proposed budget report to try to help explain the numbers. The 1,000 members for 2014 is a very conservative estimate as we felt it best to show you worst case scenario numbers."

    If you have 4000+ members, why would the VCA National Treasurer make a 2014 budget based on only on a conservative worst case scenario estimate of 1000 members? Wouldn't you do a budget for 4000+ members if that is what you had?


    So, if you're doing a budget and estimating a 1000 members for 2014, and its March 3, 2014 then there must be less than 1000 members to date.

    Less than 1000 members signed up since last fall and the first 2 months of 2014?

    I would think with numbers like that this would spell disaster for a VOI that must need like 400 cars to be a success.

    Just asking!

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by FLATOUT View Post
    I'm not a VCA member and haven't been for a few years. My screen name is FLATOUT not FLAT OUT

    I voted with my wallet and do gladly support the VOA.
    what HE said!

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel View Post
    Just speaking for myself here but I am really, really, really tired of all the sniping from both sides. It is about the cars and the people you have met because we share an interest. I know a lot of bad juju happened but can't we just let it rest and move on?
    we can as long as people post VCA events on the VCA site, and OUR events on this forum

  23. #48
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel View Post
    Just speaking for myself here but I am really, really, really tired of all the sniping from both sides. It is about the cars and the people you have met because we share an interest. I know a lot of bad juju happened but can't we just let it rest and move on?
    Well, I for one can't forget. I can forgive, but I will also not make the mistake of staying with a club that to this day has banned 60+ members. Those bannings continue today extending to Maurice, JT myself and many others for simply asking relevant, direct questions about the club's finances and raffle. Stifling speech in such a way to keep the truth from the light of day, to hide their idiocy and corrupt ways. Still, those that cause the problems continue to enjoy lifetime membership while others are still kept form contributing.

    No, I won't forget and I won't be going.
    Last edited by 99RT10; 03-05-2014 at 11:44 PM.

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Late Apex View Post
    I am speaking for others, maybe just not YOU, and I will probably see other Houston members there as this is a special VIPER event and a chance for other Viper members to get to together and have a lot of fun as in previous VOIs. I could give a rats butt who profits from it or even if it was put on by Ford for that matter. Politics should be out the door for a VOI event, and yes Im not wild about the VCA either, but I am wild about competing and getting together with other Viper owners at a large level such as this. I do not have to associate and have drinks with their staff, but I will run the heck out of the Viper with many others. It amazes me how my post has deviated like many others have towards politics and not keeping with the original subject, getting together with other Viper owners and driving the wheels off them. And when the VOA puts on a similar event, Im sure many VCA members will join up too.
    Perhaps you should have a look at the Houston clubs affiliation there stud. If you want to give your money to the VCA, go ahead. But don't come on this website and complain about the "direction your post has taken". We all know the smoke and mirrors game they are playing over there, the absolute BS they spread, and it's the spineless "can't we all get along" types that keep funding the efforts of a club that doesn't give a shit about it's members. What a friggin joke. Hey, why don't you go hang out with the "local" VCA club in.....oh wait, where is it again?...Dallas?


    oh ya....neg rep
    Last edited by Shooter; 03-05-2014 at 11:59 PM.

  25. #50

    Thumbs up

    Attended all VOI's since 2002 in Nashville and will for sure not be in TX this year...but, hey, I got the July 2013 VCA magazine this week, i.e. March 2014.

    If organisation for VCA-VOI-2014 will work the same way the invitations go out in March 2015! LOL

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