Good afternoon, I have a question for all that can help... I have a good friend in the market to purchase a Gen 1 or 2 viper, open to RT10 or GTS, he went and looked at a 2000 RT10 with 16k miles and called me after and said the car was very squeaky and rattly, I should add the the hard top was on the car... So I go back to when I purchased my car, I got a ride in 3 vipers, 2 Gen 1 cars that were very tight and a Gen 2 car that felt very loose and rattly and the hard top was on the car, when I mentioned this to the owner he said it was all in the top but I purchased a Gen 1... when my friend asked the owner about the rattles in the 2000 he looked at the owner simply said "it's a Dodge". Are these cars notorious for having lots of squeaks and rattles with the hard top on?