Any other mopar car shows in the area this year besides the HIPO show in Omaha?
Any other mopar car shows in the area this year besides the HIPO show in Omaha?
The Gretna car show has a lot of Mopar in it and we are located at the end of the street, but that is the same weekend as the Homecoming event in Detroit.
We can all show up at the informal car show in Bennington ( corner gas station off the highway ) on the third Friday of the month starting in May? Enough of us and we can have our own Slithering
MoPar Show. They also provide a burger and drink to whomever brings a car.
dillon-brothers-throttle-thursday-2014.jpg Once a month at Dillon Brothers on 174 and Maple
all types of cars and bikes
Last edited by jjfne; 03-12-2014 at 10:12 PM.
Not a lot of Mopar shows in the area but lots of weekly events. I have been josting an event at Don and Millies on 144th and Harrison for the last 2 years. You will see me every Friday here.
I need to get the Don and Millies a couple of times this year. How often do you take the Viper to D&M's?
I trade off all 3 cars, unless i know folks are coming in advnace.
I'm in for Don and Millie's and Bennington
There is a early weekly Saturday morning gathering (Cruz n Coffee) at HyVee on 156th & Maple beginning in May. Great time to see a wide range of cars and have some breakfast with friends. Usually begins around 7:00 am and ends when you want (9:00ish). I have been there several times but have been the only Viper. I know others have been there also but we just don't appear to connect on the same days. It may be possible to organize a date once or twice this summer that we have a few together all at the same time. We need to come as a group in order to all park together.
Husker.. I love an early Hy vee breakfast, and have a viper.![]()
will talk about it at our meeting.