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  1. #1

    WV PA You re Invited to Lime Rock August 3

    Registration is now OPEN for the best Viper car control day you will find anywhere. We have had members come from as far away as Ohio for this event.. check it out

    All levels of driver are welcome | All VOA Regions are welcome

    EVERY Viper Driver should take some sort of performance driving 'class' or participate in an event. This is a really fun way to get started or stay sharp. We get you on Skip Barber Racing's facility for a fraction of what it costs to get on track any other way, and the best part is you are surrounded by other VOA members, both experienced Viper drivers and other novices figuring it out.

    Saturday August 3, 2019 - 8am to 4:30pm - Lime Rock Park Infield

    VOA Members (any region) $135

    (non-member signup will be $165 and available only by request if we don't sell out with members after July 24)

    Sign-up Here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Podunksburg, PA
    Any cool places to stay near the track, Ed? To be there by eight, I'll drive out Friday afternoon/evening.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Savage View Post
    Any cool places to stay near the track, Ed? To be there by eight, I'll drive out Friday afternoon/evening.
    The Sharon Country Inn is nice and close - usually my pick
    The Interlaken Inn is beautiful, pretty close, a little expensive.
    The White Hart claims to be a 4-star hotel, but I haven't been there myself.

    there's nothing geographically close that's a familiar brand name like hilton or marriot because it's "rural" CT



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