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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Polo708 View Post
    Mines a 2013

    It dropped to zero twice on me and the oil pressure gauge flashed red. I got out of the gas immediately. Normal pressure hops around, but usually around 80ish psi

    Regular weight motor oil, and a lower thermostat which keeps it around 206
    When you say twice, it makes me think it's the sensor. I would think if it was due to a mechanical issue, it would be constantly at zero. I guess we'll find out soon enough. How many miles on it?

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Polo708 View Post
    Mines a 2013

    It dropped to zero twice on me and the oil pressure gauge flashed red. I got out of the gas immediately. Normal pressure hops around, but usually around 80ish psi

    Regular weight motor oil, and a lower thermostat which keeps it around 206
    If it's fluctuating around like mad, but only does it a few times and then all is normal, it's probably the sensor. Best to always bring it in for oil related issues, though. The earlier cars had a hit or miss issue with engine oil problems, and there is a recall out there (not sure if yours passed it or not - you should check) that might save you if you do actually have a big problem related to the recall.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Polo708 View Post
    Mines a 2013

    It dropped to zero twice on me and the oil pressure gauge flashed red. I got out of the gas immediately. Normal pressure hops around, but usually around 80ish psi

    Regular weight motor oil, and a lower thermostat which keeps it around 206
    Were you in a corner or accelerating at high G's (like 1st or 2nd gear) when it happened? Did you confirm oil level immediately after?

    I run 15W50 oil as oil temp quickly achieves 200F+

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    South Florida
    18,000 mi

    Does it On straight line acceleration. No specific gears. It got red twice, every other time I’d get off the accelerator when I saw the pressure falling fast

  5. #30
    Low oil .... probably 3-4qts low

  6. #31
    Any update on this?

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Damn no update on this!!!

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    South Florida
    Not much of a great update from me... they changed the crankcase. Whatever that means. Apparently they say that was what was burning oil. No word back on the recall issue. Since then (about 1000 miles) no issues while driving, but I did start it one time (warm start) and my oil pressure gauge flashed for a few seconds. I doubt thats normal but im sure the dealereship will find a way to tell me there is no problem with it

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    South Florida
    Dealership told me i was 4 qts low too... i dont believe it but whatever. I checked my oil before taking it to the dealership and on the dipstick it was normal. Not sure how my oil reading was a gallon off. I truly think that they think I'm a moron LOL

  10. #35
    Can you post up what the repair order ticket said they did?? crankcase is kinda an odd use of verbage... was it the shortblock they replaced? the long block? or did they rebuilt the bottom end (new rings and bearings etc)? either way its major surgery.
    Last edited by SRT_BluByU; 10-09-2019 at 01:38 PM.

  11. #36
    I assume it would have part #'s listed in the repair order if it was done under warranty.

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    This does sound strange. Aside from finding out more about what they believe was the "real" issue. I'd surely find another Viper dealer to bring it to. You should feel well taken care of by you techs.

  13. #38
    Hmm... That sounds super bizarre to me. Do you trust the dealership? If you checked the oil and you were fine before going to the dealer (assuming you read the dipstick right - and I don't want to start a thread on that endless pontification), there's absolutely no way that you were four quarts down unless there was a MAJOR leakage and/or ring blow-by problem. Hopefully you can post up the parts list from the work order. Sounds fishy to me.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greenwood Village, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by Polo708 View Post
    Not much of a great update from me... they changed the crankcase. Whatever that means. Apparently they say that was what was burning oil. No word back on the recall issue. Since then (about 1000 miles) no issues while driving, but I did start it one time (warm start) and my oil pressure gauge flashed for a few seconds. I doubt thats normal but im sure the dealereship will find a way to tell me there is no problem with it
    Could they be referring to the crankcase ventilation system? Think PCV but not. If the crankcase ventilation system was not working properly (although I'm not sure how that would happen) it could be sucking oil into the air cleaner and burning it with the intake charge. I would think you would see blue/black smoke out the exhaust though and the airbox would be very wet with oil. Weird!

  15. #40
    Oil gauge flashing red on startup is normal. This has come up before over the years. My car has always done it... Sometime it does it, and sometimes it doesn't. Scared the crap out of me years ago as well....

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGeorge View Post
    Could they be referring to the crankcase ventilation system? Think PCV but not. If the crankcase ventilation system was not working properly (although I'm not sure how that would happen) it could be sucking oil into the air cleaner and burning it with the intake charge. I would think you would see blue/black smoke out the exhaust though and the airbox would be very wet with oil. Weird!
    You hit it, that has to be what they meant. If it was four at low they would not warrantee the engine.

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