Hello my Gen 1 brothers. Stated my 1994 Viper after a year of sleeping. The fan would not come on, and the needle hit red part of the temp Gage and coolant over flowed out of the reservoir tank all over the garage floor. Ok make a long story short. I found were the two fan relays are located and the replacement them with a NAPA part number. The one to the far left is the on and off fan relay and the one next to it is the high/low fan one. A 25 year old relay, had to go at one point! The yellow original relay has the large shell. Some pics and part number for the same 5 pin relay for both for then I hope this post helps at least one gen 1 or 2 member! NAPA PART NUMBER MPE AR630SB
elay shop.jpg[ATTACH=CONFIG]38553[/ATTACH]original relay.jpg4_n.jpgggg.jpg