Here's what the guy who set up my AIM stuff said about the brakes:
"What we do is for the brake display, I select "Inline Accel" or "Long G" for the channel input
Which one depends on how we named the channel
It will usually show up automatically when we click the box
It may be needed to set the data logger Smarty Cam Stream to "Enable all channels for functions"
Then in the scaling boxes I set 0 and 1 for the high and low values
With Smartycam only (no datalogger) it is needed to zero G meters in the cam where it is mounted in the car"
That being said, I don't see any use in the data. Maybe if you were a pro driver looking for that last hundredth of a second or something. If I hit the brakes it's 100% all the time, unless I'm trail braking in a turn where I'm getting a lot of understeer and you just go by feel, not data.
If you see below video where we are using an actual brake pressure sensor, it is fairly sensitive and helps a ton while analyzing driver input lap to lap comparison or driver to driver. (Obviously we are using racestudio while analyzing not the video)
Pulling up a thread from last summer.
Trying to run a Smartycam HD rev2.1 and Solo DL (not a 2). Looking to get the basics working for a shake down track day this Friday. Any pointers for a DIY guy that's just trying to get the system to record and log basic data?
Is it plug and play at this level and I'm just overthinking it reading through some vague how to's?
Thanks for any input from those that blazed the trail before me.
Last edited by Toxic; 02-23-2020 at 09:47 PM.
Mine is hooked up but I cannot always get it to start to record on track. I have no idea why. I have yet to find a video system that works flawlessly and this is my 4th one. The Racelogic Vbox I hated. Their track database for the US was extremely limited. Without it you could not get a track map on the video unless you drew the track yourself using Google Earth. A real pain. When the AIM system works it is great, when it doesn't it blows.
Just to chime in...but a little off the actual subject...but for basic data - I use the Garmin Virb. GPS and most basic inputs already are there... and their editing software is very easy to use.
@ Arizona I feel you, while my fellow track rat had sucess with the auto-record feature on his HD2, I never had good luck and use manual record and stop.
I emailed my AIM rep, he's great. Here's what he said:
"At the buttons on the face select Menu then Settings
There are two possible settings that could cause trouble
First is Auto Pwr Off time, you may need to select a longer time for waiting on grid, it may power off before you rollout
Other setting is Auto Start Rec it can be set to start record at a specific speed or when the logger starts recording (Logger Command)
I would normally use Logger Command for starting recording"