My Viper wouldn't start and display showed it wasn't recognizing key?
Took it to dealer and bottom line, the battery in the key fob needed to be replaced.
Go figure.
My Viper wouldn't start and display showed it wasn't recognizing key?
Took it to dealer and bottom line, the battery in the key fob needed to be replaced.
Go figure.
Key fob sucks. Mine barely has range. The other is dead.
if you leave the key close or inside the car the battery dies FAST.
If that happens you can push the start button with the front of the FOB and it will start, even if the FOB's battery is extremely low.
Yep, happened to me a couple years ago. Fob and car always "talk". Another reason I always have to keep my car on a tender, I think my car can read my fob from anywhere in my house, which isn't that big,
Time for me to move my fob
Or put your FOB on a trickle charger. lol
I change the FOB battery's every spring. Got stuck out one night after dinner never again. I even have a spare in the glove box.