Ok, actually just a bit over a half mile down the street at the Pump and Pantry Fuel Station. Pump and Pantry is the Convenience Store portion of Bosselman Enterprises that has motels, Bosselman Travel Centers and more, and the President just happens to be a big Gearhead!! Charlie has some fast machines, runs with NASA and has the sickness many of us have for running road courses. He is a Guardrail Member of MPH and a bunch of us have bugged him over the years to get racing fuel for the track. He did it one better and set it up at his Pump and Pantry Store , so more access to folks, all the time. It should be up this month , so there is a 99% chance fuel will be available for the Viper Rendezvous !!!?? Since the regular pumps have 91 Octane , this will enable folks to add a bit and get their Snake up to the preferred 93 Octane level, and for the full race guys, bingo , no need to drag a bunch of fuel all the way to Hastings.
100 Octane Unleaded at Pump and Pantry !!!! Thanks Charlie , and for those that run here during the year, this is the best news of 2019 for many of us -- no more lugging fuel for NASA or SCCA races!