During Bob's speech, he referenced the many letters, some including deposit checks, that Chrysler received as a result of car shows and magazine articles. One of those checks was MINE! Thankfully, it had been returned, un-cashed, as it would have bounced. That is how I got "On The List" back in 1991. Due to Indy Pace Car.
When he read the letter "To The Gods At Chrysler, Build This Car" you can hear the audience laughing. I had pulled a "Wayne's World" moment, bowing in the aisle and proclaiming twice, loudly: "We Are Not Worthy!" You can barley hear me in the vid, while Bob is pointing at the nut bowing in the aisle.....
Later that night and next day, several folks asked "Was that YOU going all Waynes-World?" I confessed...... Marty Levine later told Lutz who it was, 'the Pace Car Guy' and Bob commented "No More Bowing, Jon..."