Anyone have this product applied?
Thinking of doing it to my black 06 coupe.
Price is $1500 for paint correction, prep work and application.
Let me know if you have tried this or if you recommend another product
Anyone have this product applied?
Thinking of doing it to my black 06 coupe.
Price is $1500 for paint correction, prep work and application.
Let me know if you have tried this or if you recommend another product
I went with G technique (British product). 7 year warranty and the product itself was lower cost. Have had it two years on two vehicles and it works great no issues. Applied to window, rims and body.
Was that the ultra or light?
I had it professionally done with ultra. The color correction makes a big difference, plus I added clear film to nose, rockers and behind each wheel. it has saved me a lot of grief...The paint was 12 years old when had it done and after it looked brand new.
I went with Gtechniq as well. I had the car corrected, then had it wrapped in Xpel. After that, I did 1 coat of CSL, and two coats of ExoV4.
Its hard to tell from photos, but its got an incredibly glossy/wet look to it. Highly recommend Gtechniq products.
Sweet thanx guys. Gonna look into that gtechniq then
Your car looks Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Scott! Way too much time spent on this, but the end result was worthit.