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Thread: Viper Registry

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Viper Registry

    Morning All, just kind of revisiting the idea of a Viper Registry

    In the very beginning of the VOA I had suggested a Registry, I don't think it was ignored, just too many other things going on. Now that some elections have taken place and memberships are going well, I thought I would ask in an open forum instead of PM's and emails. Also, a few members here have told me to continue and be patient and I will. I'm in no hurry I suppose. I have passed on some info to help with the Vooodoo's and VOI9 Vipers and hopefully can help others with questions they may have.

    A little about myself, I've been working on a Registry since 2007. I started off with the RAM SRT-10 and progressed to the VIPER where I currently have over 29,500 VIPERS in my Registry, it grows a little just about every day.

    There is currently a very cool app out there (not mine) called "The Nation", has some of the best info, all in one place. Not trying to duplicate what has been done there.

    I've seen suggestions on Wiki's and other things and maybe I can help

    Keep in mind, I am just an enthusiast. I have no Viper in my stable.

    All I've ever tried to do is help and I have no interest in drama. I say that because my data will have differences in it that will not go over well at times. My data doesn't always show exactly what has been put on posters or represented on other registries. I understand that my data may not be completely accurate... With that said, my data is based on VIN's and not on blog pages, industry magazines or random understandings. The main reason my data may not be the same is I either have more VIN's or less VIN's than what is commonly accepted as correct. At this point, my Registry is not complete. I have hours of work to do and work on it when I can. Now that I have the VIN's and I have the data, it's the putting it in a useable form that takes time.

    So I'm tossing this out there for the Members of the Viper Owners Association.

    Bad Idea?

    Good Idea?

    Have your own solution and not needed?

    I just don't know if it's even something that you want.

    Thank You for your Time.


    To the two that have spurred me along... Thank You

  2. #2
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    I think it's an awesome idea Jeff!

    "The Nation" is out of the closet with your post. LOL I think the registry and the app work well together. Lets see where it goes.

  3. #3
    Web Site Committee

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    Oct 2013
    what is it exactly you are doing with VIN's?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Girl View Post
    I think it's an awesome idea Jeff!

    "The Nation" is out of the closet with your post. LOL I think the registry and the app work well together. Lets see where it goes.
    Oh, that's bad.......


  5. #5
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    Nah, I need to get over my perfectionism with it... no worries.

    It was a good boot in the rear to get me going

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by big-n-italian View Post
    what is it exactly you are doing with VIN's?
    The VIN is used as a key, everything I document is based on a VIN.

  7. #7
    Viper Girl's Avatar
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    basically everything about the car except who owns it... color / stripes / Interior /

    He is now even recording the cars with aero packages. Its the Viper Black book and then some

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viper Girl View Post
    Nah, I need to get over my perfectionism with it... no worries.

    It was a good boot in the rear to get me going
    That's Good, because your boot prompted this (among others). I have that same perfectionism and know it will never be done, as Viper will be live forever! The big boot came when I was told I gave up to soon (some time ago). I knew I had to re-introduce what I was doing, just didn't know the best way, or when would be a good time.

    Decided, there never was going to be a good time, so today was the day. Thank You for all your help


  9. #9
    I think it is a great idea.

  10. #10
    Web Site Committee

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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJeff View Post
    The VIN is used as a key, everything I document is based on a VIN.

    got a link?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by big-n-italian View Post
    got a link?

    Here's one that gives an example.

    As I Compile information, I place it there. The Wiki has been going through a complete re write, so there may be some broken links (I offer an apology)

  12. #12
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    jeff, you know i think its a great idea for the members and viper in general.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quebec, Canada
    Good idea, and that could be useful to identify cars that have been wrecked or involved in accident....

  14. #14
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    Wrecks and accidents are a bit of a double edged sword...

    The only time I add damage data is if I see one on coparts or shows damage in a listing.

  15. #15
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    Here is an example of how my data may be different based on the way it's collected. I'm just going to show Build info as I'm still working on other details.

    Deleted for Shooter
    Last edited by ViperJeff; 10-15-2014 at 09:48 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJeff View Post
    Here is an example of how my data may be different based on the way it's collected. I'm just going to show Build info as I'm still working on other details.

    Another Registry Source

    First VIN: RV100001
    Last VIN: RV103087

    3083 Vipers

    _687 Black (Estimated)
    _133 Green (Estimated)
    2189 Red (Estimated)
    __82 Yellow (Estimated)

    My Data

    First VIN: RV100001 Build Date 08/02/1993
    Last VIN: RV103087 Build Date 08/23/1994

    3,083 Vipers

    1994 Exterior Details
    _112 | 1994 VIPER RT/10 CONVERTIBLE | Emerald Green Pearl Coat
    _689 | 1994 VIPER RT/10 CONVERTIBLE | Viper Black Clear Coat
    __93 | 1994 VIPER RT/10 CONVERTIBLE | Viper Bright Yellow Pearl Coat
    2188 | 1994 VIPER RT/10 CONVERTIBLE | Viper Red Clear Coat

    Again, I'm not trying to discredit anyone, just sharing what I've been learning over the last several years
    How does that differ from the IVR? Not stirring the pot but I looked up the same details on the IVR for '94. I don't see build dates though. I like the idea of complete registry. Besides build information what other information are you planning on capturing for the registry (accidents, salvage, ownership, etc.) and how would you keep it accurate and timely? Not an easy thing to do but I applaud your effort. Why don't you take over the IVR and make it....better?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    How does that differ from the IVR? Not stirring the pot but I looked up the same details on the IVR for '94. I don't see build dates though. I like the idea of complete registry. Besides build information what other information are you planning on capturing for the registry (accidents, salvage, ownership, etc.) and how would you keep it accurate and timely? Not an easy thing to do but I applaud your effort. Why don't you take over the IVR and make it....better?
    Not trying to stir the pot either

    Hopefully you noticed that my numbers are different than the IVR for all 4 colors. As far as other things I plan on capturing... anything that makes one Viper different from another (it just takes time). Accidents and Totaled when I can. Information will never be ... timely. I have no crystal ball to know when Vipers are sold, destroyed or part of a collection. I do have Owner information in my DB, however, only when offered. As far as the IVR, I have made attempts to bring it current and will continue in that effort. I got with Jay almost two years ago in that effort. The IVR does not seem to be a high priority item.

  18. #18
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    I've had a question about Privacy.

    Good question.

    I make every attempt at not showing both a VIN and owners information (unless given permission by the owner). I know there are people from all ends of the spectrum on what to share and what not to share. As far as owner information, I don't have that unless the owner contacts me directly. I have no access to DMV, Dealer or other means of finding and documenting owner information (and I don't want access). I do have a place in my DB for Name, City, State/Province, Country, however, no place for address.


    If you find your VIN within any of my sites, you can simply ask that the VIN be removed. I have other means of cross referencing data.

    If you have other questions about Privacy, let me know

    Damaged, totaled Vipers, this is where I get most of my info:


  19. #19
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJeff View Post
    Not trying to stir the pot either

    Hopefully you noticed that my numbers are different than the IVR for all 4 colors. As far as other things I plan on capturing... anything that makes one Viper different from another (it just takes time). Accidents and Totaled when I can. Information will never be ... timely. I have no crystal ball to know when Vipers are sold, destroyed or part of a collection. I do have Owner information in my DB, however, only when offered. As far as the IVR, I have made attempts to bring it current and will continue in that effort. I got with Jay almost two years ago in that effort. The IVR does not seem to be a high priority item.
    Oh, I was only looking at the top part of your post my bad. Got it! I think the Viper community needs a reliable, central registry resource that's up to date. It needs to be easy to find and use. I support you in your efforts. It could be something you evolve to support other brands too. I think the App is a great idea and can come in handy when someone is looking over a Viper and wants to plug in the VIN on their phone for information. I like the idea of owner information. I say go for it. This is one of those "If you build it they will come" things. What support do you need from a viper owner like me to make this happen?

  20. #20
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    like the app idea, especially if you can make a few bucks from it. for all the damn work you do with it

  21. #21
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    I like the App that Viper Girl created and suggested she look at the Corvette Black Book and Camaro White Book. Both of these books give many detailed facts for each year car. They make over 30 k vettes per year. We should have this info available for such a low production number car. Where do I submit the info for the two Vipers I purchased new. I have both window stickers too.

  22. #22
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    Jeff, I still think this is a great idea. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help, I know a project like this is time consuming.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperTony View Post
    Oh, I was only looking at the top part of your post my bad. Got it! I think the Viper community needs a reliable, central registry resource that's up to date. It needs to be easy to find and use. I support you in your efforts. It could be something you evolve to support other brands too. I think the App is a great idea and can come in handy when someone is looking over a Viper and wants to plug in the VIN on their phone for information. I like the idea of owner information. I say go for it. This is one of those "If you build it they will come" things. What support do you need from a viper owner like me to make this happen?
    Right now it's just going to take some time for me to finish putting data together, and learn how to build an app LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by plumcrazy View Post
    like the app idea, especially if you can make a few bucks from it. for all the damn work you do with it
    I like the app idea also, just not there yet. I might have to bug ViperGirl and learn how it's done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bitten View Post
    I like the App that Viper Girl created and suggested she look at the Corvette Black Book and Camaro White Book. Both of these books give many detailed facts for each year car. They make over 30 k vettes per year. We should have this info available for such a low production number car. Where do I submit the info for the two Vipers I purchased new. I have both window stickers too.
    Registration is easy for those that want to. All I use to register is a picture(s) of the Viper and a picture of the VIN tag on the drivers door (to verify Date of MFR, MDH and paint code). People have emailed them to me, PM'd them to me and even posted them on the open forum (I prefer email over open forum any day). Here is a link to Black Adders thread. He didn't need to register because it was already done based on info seen in an online ad. The only thing I did when he said it was his was to remove the VIN and provide him with some info towards his Vooodoo Registry:

    VIPER BAZ UK took it to another level supplying all kinds of stuff:

    Stretch, just keep working on those VOI9 Vipers, that will keep you very busy...LOL




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