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Thread: Oil Capacity

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  1. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by blingnoring View Post
    I am. I'm a Mobil 1 guy but after doing some research, I've found that Penzoil ranks up there with the best of them, so I'm sticking with it. I change my oil about every 2000 miles. IMO if you change your oil that frequent, I don't think it really matters which brand of synthetic oil you use.

    As for the thickness of the oil, I stay with 0-40 cause even though it can get pretty hot in Virginia, i'll drive this car in the winter. If its a sunny day and no salt on the roads, I don't care how cold it is I'm driving the car. I drove it this past Monday morning where it was a blistering 15 degrees. when I started it in the garage, the oil temp was 34. And that's why i'm afraid to go to a thicker oil. Some have even gone to 15-50. i'm sure where you live, when and how you drive plays a big factor in that. on a side note, I don't know if it was in my head, but the car felt more responsive. I noticed my IAT ranged from 37 to 41 degrees, maybe like a continuous shot of nitrous? hahaha
    There have been issues with the 0-40W, especially if you track the car. Prefix/arrow and especially Winkles will steer you away from the 0--40. You are a bit unique, very few will drive the car in the temps you mentioned. The corsas and the new Toyo's have warnings about driving in the cooler temps, they can actually develop small cracks.
    Last edited by Jack B; 01-25-2019 at 10:23 PM.



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