So..., California is at it again. Has anyone been hassled by cops for noise yet? I run a Corsa on my 98 and know that it is too loud for Laguna Seca, as well as the street, after Jan 1. Now frickin what? Between smog, front plates, pothole ridden roads, electric/hybrids cars, proliferation of SUVs and x-overs causing manufacturers to drop whole segments of offerings, and now exhaust noise. It seems that the 21st century is closing in on our love of cars, and the truly fun and "free spirited" days may be behind us soon. In any event, I wonder if they will buy the, "I bought this car with this exhaust" line will work on the dickhead cops that have time to screw with us out there. Just for giggles, can you still even get a stock exhaust for a Gen 2 anymore?