IN/KY VOA...Meeting at NOON (EST) Saturday January 12, 2019 at Nickel Plate Bar & Grill, Fishers, IN...and MORE
Nickel Plate Bar & Grill
8654 East 116th St.
Fishers, IN 46038
COME and help plan the club's 2019 schedule of activities.
ALL Viper owners ARE WELCOME !!
President Brian Austin and his Officers join me in thanking ALL of the IN/KY VOA Members who have already renewed for 2019. We also welcome the new Members who have recently joined !!
You can RENEW or JOIN either by going on line at:
OR, by calling: 1-888-778-1545
Many have asked if Viper Tech Tom Sessions will be coming back to Indy for another week long Service Session. The answer is YES !!!
Special Viper Service Session #13 with Tom Sessions at Indy's Champion CJDR is currently in the planning phase for SPRING of 2019.
As most realize, there are considerable logistical considerations that contribute to the success of this type of endeavor. Therefore in the early months of 2019, all Members are requested to contact me with their potential Viper service/repair/recall/ modifications list so that we can start planning the time slots...AND, begin the process of ordering the necessary parts and proper fluids. While there are currently several folks who have already communicated their needs to me for this session, there are still plenty of open service slots available. So as we approach the SPRING Viper Driving Season, please jot down your own list of needs as I will be pushing this forward SOON !!
Expect more info in the very near future.
Best regards,
Steve Fess, "Special Ops" Coordinator, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc. 317-402-9013