Originally Posted by
Bill Pemberton
This is one of the coolest ideas put forth in quite awhile , in my opinion, but one other thing I would like to throw out there, is since many of you are enthusiasts , please consider joining VOA. I am a realist and as the years go by it will be more and more difficult to get information and knowledge on a discontinued vehicle ( the Viper ), but the value of so many of us who contribute and help others should be worth something? I am sure VOA would not appreciate me saying this, but for those of you who enjoy this Forum, look to it for entertainment , tech info , and camaraderie why not join at the base level instead of Mamba? I know some of your say there are not many events in your area, but the wealth of knowledge and insight into common concerns hopefully is worth something to you , as well as the hope it will continue? I know that the benefit of another NVE is something that many consider when thinking of joining , and driving to Miami in 2020 should be just one more incentive. Many want to see this Club and Forum continue well into the future, and those of you who consider yourselves Enthusiasts, actually contribute quite heavily , so why not spend a decent meal out with your significant other and help secure the health of this valuable asset for all of those that own Snakes?