Agree Commando, it is just super ideas like this have to have a platform to develop and if so many Viper owners just stay passive and expect all this cool knowledge to birth itself freely, one has to realize that it does not do so at no cost. I have seen some of the Clubs I was a member of die due to vehicles no longer being made or an apathetic member base. We have some great folks here and I think we all need each other in many ways , whether it is for technical support, enjoyment of activities or just general camaraderie, and this thread just hit me as a brilliant way the Forum/Club benefit us all. So I will stop my passionate plea , as it seems to have resonated with many, but I get excited when I see folks come up with cool ideas like this and it can only happen with a special group of passionate folks, which I really think this Club exemplifies.
Back to all the killer 1 of 1s and thanks to the folks at SRT who were committed and got this program off the ground. Steve , if you are listening , and you know who you are , thanks for working towards this idea's goal almost 10 years before it finally came to fruition. There are many of us that know you pushed and questioned this concept long before it happened. Your counterpart put in tons of 14-15 hour days to get it to happen and someday your story will be told --- even if it is this old man zipping around a Nursing Home in his new Hoverround, ha!