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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Bonney Lake Washington

    Gen 1 Camshaft Sprocket


    Long story short, I don’t have spark being generated from my ignition coil however have power being sent to the ignition coil. I’ve OHM tested the Ignition coil, everything checks out. I’m down to either the PCM being bad (even though I verified the ASD relay is working correctly by power testing, verified cam and crankshaft sensors are working or is the differences in my Camshaft Sprockets from what I originally had. I’m hoping I can post some pictures. The timing set I ordered from Cloyes was “supposed to be the OEM replacement C-3084. I noticed the timing steps are different after the fact. I’m stumped at this point, can not figure this out. It almost appears that I had a “custom cam sprocket” but I had to changed those out because I had way too much play in my timing chain. Still have no spark, but power to the coil pack when you turn the key on “tester light comes on for a second then powers off” and then stays constant once you turn the engine over.

    P.S I have pictures of the old and new Cam sprockets but can’t seem to figure how to upload them on here.NEW.jpgOLD.jpg
    Last edited by Ttillots; 12-29-2018 at 02:31 AM.


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