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Thread: Please help

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  1. #1

    Please help P0351 after battery died.

    Hey guys so i just got my 2006 viper wraped and while it was being wraped the battery died. The person wrapping the car jumped it and then i got it towed back to my house. I charged the battery up and when it started it the car sounded like it was misfiring and the exhuast sounded pretty choppy. The check engine light came on and the code was p0351 for ignition coil. The car ran perfect when i droped it off a week ago, sounds like a miss or exhuast leak. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Edit, the car idles fine and does not want to die or anything just does not sound right.
    Last edited by Cviper; 12-02-2018 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Disconnect battery, take the positive lead that WAS attached to the battery and ground it to the chassis earth.

    That will clear any previous codes.

    Reconnect fully charged battery.

    Turn ignation on but do not start car.

    Slowly press throttle pedal down to the floor then lift off pedal and turn ignition off.

    That should reset throttle position sensor.

    Then start car and see what happens

  3. #3
    Just got the car towed to Valaya racing and he checked it out. It was a cracked ignition coil... pretty weird that that happened. Not a big deal so im happy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Dayton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by Cviper View Post
    Just got the car towed to Valaya racing and he checked it out. It was a cracked ignition coil... pretty weird that that happened. Not a big deal so im happy!
    Well, at least you know the on board diagnostics work



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