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  1. #1

    Anybody know anything about the preproduction GTS at South Puget Sound Comm College

    I'm trying to figure out what the full VIN is of the pre-production GTS that is at South Puget Sound Community College. It was reportedly #004, but it wasn't clear if that meant it was from the 1996 production, from a prior year, or what. It's the one that Chrysler wanted crushed back in 2014 but got a reprieve after it got a loud public outcry against crushing it. I feel like I had seen someone post a couple of pictures, including the VIN tag, but I'm not sure if it was here or on a different Viper forum. But I have been entirely unable to find it.

    Does this ring a bell with anyone? Can you point me to either the thread or the photo of the VIN tag? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I think I remember the story although I can’t help more than that. I thought Chrysler donated the car for vocational training and it had a date for destruction based on either a real date or when the school was done with it. It hit all the big media when it was set for destruction, but I thought that was it. Crazy if it’s still out there and I would expect the vin is flagged so it can’t be registered.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Giltedge Tn.
    To FCA; If these cars have to be destroyed, at least pull the windshields, headlights, etc. - anything DOT certified - if you are not going to make any of these parts again.



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