New owner here located in Peoria area. I'm guessing all meets are done for the year, but if not I'm in. Looking forward to meeting folks and many events next year!
New owner here located in Peoria area. I'm guessing all meets are done for the year, but if not I'm in. Looking forward to meeting folks and many events next year!
Got the holiday party in February. Contact Rob Illinois president for exact date and time. Its a great night of fun and meet a lot of the members.
Welcome. Great club and members in your region. Join the club and definitely attend the party in Feb.
Quite a few Vipers near the Peoria area [of course, Rob owns most of them].
Hey Brad,
I'm also a new Viper owner in the Peoria area, just 5 weeks ago actually. Sucks its time to put them away. I think I'll join the VOA of Illinois next spring. I was also looking at the "cars and coffee" get togethers in the area but I would rather drive than park.
2002 GTS
Join 2021 now and 4th qtr free.
98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
99 ACR
Capital Vipers Facebook Group
Capital Vipers Founding Regional President 2018 - 2021
Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
GT2 Owners Group