I am looking and have been looking for a Gen V somewhere in the SE preferably. I am in Tampa Fl and I just can't make the time to travel too far at the moment. The newer and lower mileage the better. Preferably white or billet silver. Black interior. Must have a GTS hood, 18 speaker stereo, under 15K miles, and no ACR's. Must be VERY Clean. Mods or no mods.
Willing to trade my 04 Gallardo with 19K miles, E Gear (fresh clutch), 3 piece 20/19 wheels and Fab Speed Exhaust. The Lambo is 100% and probably one of the cleanest Gallardos around. Plus or Minus Cash. Title in hand.
OR will pay cash for the right car at a fair price. I am not interested paying 80k+ for a 13 SRT though.
Feel free to PM me.