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  1. #1
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013
    South Florida
    Luisv's Avatar
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    Nov 2013
    Miami, Florida

    Windshield Wiper not working correctly

    The car did this to me a few weeks back and then again today when heading home from a drive. It's the 2013 Viper GTS.

    The windshield wipers will do strange things when turned on. For example, when turned on to intermittent, they will work right but then suddenly start working at low speed without touching the switch. The low and fast speed work fine except when I go to turn them off. When I do that, they stop mid-travel. In other words, they do not continue down to the "stored" or low position on the windshield. They just stop wherever the blades are when I shut off the wipers. In order to get them to the low position (out of view) I have to time it with the switch. Another example, when I turn the switch off they continue for a few more cycles before shutting off. For almost 15 to 20 seconds.

    Do you all think swapping out the stalk will resolve or is this a device controlled by some ECU someplace? I have seen others with the issue on the forum but never saw a solution posted.

    Also, is there a way to tell if I have rain sensing wipers? I see some mention of this being an option but I don't know how to tell. Don't see it listed on the sticker but don't know if it simply part of a package.

    Luis V.
    Miami, Florida
    2002 Dodge Viper GTS - FE #298 & 2013 Dodge Viper GTS

  2. #2
    Hopefully someone will chime in with an answer to this. I haven't seen this specific problem personally, but I "think" the wipers are tied into the body control module, which is part of the UConnect system in the radio head unit. There have been a few instances of that going crazy for no apparent reason. I've had a few things happen that just left me baffled.

  3. #3
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013
    South Florida
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    Nov 2013
    Miami, Florida
    According to the service manual, they are tied to the BCM. That is part of the uconnect system. That has also been giving me grief as of late. I have another thread on that. The Viper Tech and dealer I took it to continues to be clueless and can't resolve crap.

    Beginning to really piss me off.
    Luis V.
    Miami, Florida
    2002 Dodge Viper GTS - FE #298 & 2013 Dodge Viper GTS

  4. #4
    I know this is a long-shot - but have you done a battery check lately? I had a ton of grief with the UConnect system, and I was told that it was a 50/50 chance that the battery was the culprit - UConnect and the BCM is apparently very sensitive to battery voltage. The other 50% possibility was an over the air update to UConnect that screwed everything up.

    I replaced my battery, and the crazy things (doors popping open on their own, HVAC system turning on and off for no reason, weird noises coming from behind the dash that sounded like the servos for the HVAC system, windows going up and down whenever I started the car, to name a few) stopped happening.

    I still need to keep an eye on it and bring it in if weird crap starts happening again. I have never turned the windshield wipers on, so that's one thing I haven't noticed acting crazy - but it wouldn't surprise me if they're all tied together somehow.



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