I have an 08 SRT. Belanger headers, Magnaflow cats and exhaust. Last couple of months throttle has been sticking slightly. I let off the gas and it takes around 1/2 to 1 second before the engine starts idling down. Cleaned the throttle bodies, which were oily but not dirty, no change. Added a catch can to hopefully eliminate the oil. No CEL's. Had to disconnect the battery in order to hard wire a battery tender. When I hooked the power back up I got the following codes: P0131 O2 sensor low voltage bank 1 sensor 1, P0151 O2 sensor low voltage bank 2 sensor 1, and P2610 ECM/PCM Internal Eng Off Timer Perf. All 3 were cleared with my Bosch scanner. When I started the car the first time, it ran very rough with a lot of hesitation when the throttle was pushed and major backfiring when off the throttle. No CEL's. Drove it a couple more times, same issue. Replaced the spark plugs and wires, no change. Have new O2 sensors ordered but not sure if that will help due to not getting new faults. Stock PCM if that matters. Any ideas before I take it to the dealer?