Many of you have gone to this car show and you know what fun it is! This year we are raising money for our local volunteer Ambulance Corps.
We will meet here at "Tator's Garage" at 0730 on Saturday 16th for coffee, danish and Deviled Eggs! Then leave for the show at 0845 sharp.
Here is the web site:
Tickets are $15.00 before September 1st, day of the show $20.00.
Registration form:
If you would like to sponsor a trophy, here's the link:
Last year there were over 350 cars! The Vipers had the most cars for any one car club again! Thank You all who participated! Lets see if we can do that again this year!!
Rain date Sunday 9/16/2018
Questions 914-764-5736 or 914-764-4206 and or by e-mail
let me know if your going here or give me a call, 914-763-3136
Thank you!!