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  1. #1

    fuel pump problem

    Had car out 2001 rt/10 everything was fine go to restart and nothing no fire. Connected fuel pump directly and car runs pefect to get to mechanics location.TESTED cam sensor to ecm everything is working fine there checked relays nothing noticeable there. Anyone know of why computer wont let fuel pump run on its own or is the computer not leting fuel pump run as a problem somewhere else. Any input would be greatly appreciated car has 20000 miles. thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    When you say "tested relays"...dies this include the fuel pump relay in the trunk? Have you pulled thus relay out and reseated it? Also, one has to suspect relay socket and wire harness as I understand your description. Is there voltage in the fuel pump relay socket?

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response Steve, yes have reseated the relay in trunk also checked voltage at the relay and have 12 volts on #87 feed pin with the key off. With key on have power to #85 pin but the smaller pins have nothing when cranking the motor. When we jump leg 85 to 30 car starts. IT seems the pcm won"t activate the relay which turns on the pump. Cheched all fuses by sterring wheel and under hood.No check engine lights when running when relay is jumped and car is running. checked the auto shutdown relay also and swapped relay with another and still nothing. checked wiring for melting underneath everything looks new. Car is stock other than exhaust and rearend. STUMPED ... Could the rear relay be bad ,know where to get one?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    If it was the EEM tripped you'd still get fire for a few seconds. You should still be able to hear the pump prime. If you get none of those then I'd suspect the relay or PCM. You have to make your own relay they have been NLA for years.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dave6666 View Post
    If it was the EEM tripped you'd still get fire for a few seconds. You should still be able to hear the pump prime. If you get none of those then I'd suspect the relay or PCM. You have to make your own relay they have been NLA for years.
    Have the relays been a big problem for others and does the relay need to be communicating with the pcm. Hard to believe it could be pcm. can you tell me what you make the relay with. thanks for the input

  6. #6
    There's probably someone with some more expertise then me on this, but here's some research I did on this awhile back:

    (1) JonB once told me to check if the horn relay was the same as the fuel pump relay and if so use that.
    - note: mine wasn't the same (on a 2000 ACR)

    (2) Info from another thread on the subject:
    - Use any standard name brand relay. You only need a 4 prong, not a 5 prong (although you could use a 5).
    - The center prong is unused.
    - Just trim pin #86 with a wire stripper to match the small prong on the old relay.
    - Here's some picts with a before/after trim on pin #86:

    Hopefully one of these is helpful.

  7. #7
    thank you for responce will do exactly that and let you know how it all works out



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