I found my car, and God willing, it will be in my driveway next weekend. I've settled on a 2006 Coupe in blue. As a first time Viper owner, what should I expect from friends and family? We own a small business, and do better than most financially, but we don't show it. We live a very modest lifestyle, with a Durango, a Dakota, and a Ford Escape. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy. This will be the first "flashy" item we've ever bought. Will people suddenly treat us differently? Do people automatically assume you're a snob when you're seen driving it? When you stop for fuel, or park it and get out, do people stop and want to talk about it? This will be the first Viper in my town, so I'm sure most people will probably think it's a Camaro or Corvette. Lots of diesel trucks here, if you know what I mean. I would just like to hear some of your experiences the first few weeks/months of Viper ownership.