Hi Guys,
What have folks used as a door weatherstrip around the door openings? I don't have anything on my VCC.
Hi Guys,
What have folks used as a door weatherstrip around the door openings? I don't have anything on my VCC.
I have non on my CC
None here Steve
As others have said, none here.
Thanks for the feedback guys. The only reason I asked was because this year out at Hastings at the Viper Rendezvous, there were several VCC's. Some of them had a door weather strip mounted to the body at the door opening. When I asked about it, everyone said it was there when they bought their cars. Helps keep some of the dust and heat out
That's why I was asking the question. Here is a general pic of what I am referring to.
weatherstrip Pic.jpg
Steve, probably just an add-on that was discussed/invented by one guy and others implemented years ago. they'd also keep some water out too.
Similar to windows, I've seen a few in Europe with lexan side windows with sliders. Not OEM but adapted to the comp coupe's
Call Tom Francsis and ask him. he would know.
The door weatherstrips are OE and available from Mopar part numbers 04865562AF right side and 04865563AF left side.
Tom Francis
Viper Race Headquarters
I was wrong, I have one.
Call Steele Rubber Products www.steelerubber.com. They will very likely have what you need for le$$ than Viper prices.
Please do. Is the cover metal or plastic?
Steve/Simms, thanks both for the info!!
Surprised that molding existed, I had never seen it. Gotta tell you guys I burnt the shit out of my leg in Vegas. I was there 2 weeks before the VOI event and ran the track for practice. Late in the day (85-90 degrees in the sun) I moved the car in shorts and burnt my left leg on that aluminum runner (where the molding is). that's now on my to-do list!!
Here's a picture of that same cover on another local CC, I looked his car over and took pic's of potential upgrades. As you can see the recessed part for the bottle is left of center, same as Simm's pic. Got to believe that either came from Tom Francis or some other viper vendor. Dan Cragin maintains this car and I know he did a number of upgrades. he may know where/how to get that cover. Steve, I think it is plastic? My car is up a Dan's with a new built motor, 690 hp on the bench, hoping to get on a chassis dyno later this week Best wishes!! Mike
Can't wait to see and hear that beast run..! I should be getting the Tilton 3 Disc Carbon Clutch next week. Hopefully I will get mine rolling again soon.
Old school Archer piece?
Steve, I saw your post a couple of weeks ago, great set up, you'll really like it. Along with all the motor work, Dan replaced my clutch pack too. Where are you with your sequential? If your getting it rebuilt, you should go with the gear sets like mine. With the heat probably can't try the new motor till BW around the weekend September 22nd-23rd. I think Lance will be there too and Dan will come to monitor the initial shakedown
Steve, just saw you post and sent Dan a note. I told him the question is in a thread here and who knows, he might just post his response here?
Simms, yeah, if not Tom Francis, could be Archer? Or Corey at Viper Parts USA? If you look at yours and the picture I posted, their both showing the bottle in the original factory location.
Hi Mike,
Working on getting the parts for the Emco. A few of the parts are on a long back order. We need a dog ring and a fork, and maybe 2-3 gear set to get it up and running. Been checking into my options. Hope to hear back soon. Do you have all the ratios on yours? I saw a post awhile back for your 4th, 5th and 6th gears, but not 1st, 2nd +3rd. I know my 2nd is (16/32) or 2.0, 3rd is (18/26) 1.44, and 4th is (27/30) 1.11, need to check my 5th and 6th.
I have a metal block and call you Steve from time to time, sorry!!! Here's the ratio's,
1st) 2.760 2nd) 2.056 3rd) 1.598 4th) 1.296 5th) 1.112 6th) 0.958
I only use 1st and 2nd on infield, or from a dead stip to get rolling. 3rd infrequently, only on really slow turns at a couple of tracks. I tell viper folks, compared to a G3 or 4 with a stock 3.07, my 3rd is like their 2nd, my 4th is similar to their 3rd and my 5th and 6th straddle their 4th.
Just looked up Lance's ratio's, he gave me a sheet from his rebuild, I'll bet you have the same as him
1st) 2.929 2nd) 2.000 3rd) 1.444 4th) 1.111 5th) 0.923 6th) 0.848
I think my set up is better, on the power more. Top end is about 174
Steve 911, got a note from Dan tonight regarding the fire bottle conver, "I had that custom made by Bondio fabrication in Torrance CA"
Last edited by RedTanRT/10; 08-08-2018 at 12:34 AM.
Thanks for the info on the cover.