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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    White Mnts of NH

    VOA-NE F1 Boston Battle of the regions NE vs NY/CT, March 9th - Sunday

    The Viper is in the garage all waxed up, and if you are tired of just looking at your car we have a treatment for you. A day of relaxation at F1 Boston is what you need. So come on out with your fellow NEVC members for a day of good-ole kart racing.

    We are planning on booking Sunday March 9th, if we get more people than past years we will move the date to March 16th. Plan to arrive for 10:30 at the latest. Tech session from 10:30 to 11:30 and racing begins at 11:30 . We will have lunch at the track.

    F1 Boston is located at 290 Wood Road in Braintree, MA, just south of Boston and just off Exit 6 on Route 128, near South Shore Mall.

    What is F1 Kart Racing you ask? F1 Boston is an indoor kart racing facility that provides a genuine racing experience with all the challenge and adrenaline of the Viper cup. You’ll race against fellow viper members in a race engineered kart on a professional track layout. We will be driving the city course on track 1. If you have never done Kart Racing, I encourage you to attend. It’s a blast! You can also visit their website:

    In the past few years we have had between 12 and 18 people attend. I think I can speak for everyone; this event is a blast! The cost for this event is $85.00 per person this year, and that includes use of their Kart, Helmet, Fire Proof Suit, and Neck Brace.

    The track will be set up as in previous years where we had a Mini Grand Prix 3-10 laps and a 12-15 lap final race. There will be trophies at stake here, 1st and 2nd place with a special trophy for the fastest time. YEAP. You should wear comfortable clothing when you come to the track (casual pants are recommended). NO open toe shoes allowed while racing.

    This event requires that we pre-pay, we need you to pay when you sign up. The NEVCA has a Pay Pal Account that can take your payment. Go to , log in and send payment to . If you don't have a registered PayPal account, follow their directions and sign up. It’s easy to set up an account.

    The deadline for signing up is March 1st.

    The club needs to have at least 12 members and/or guests attend who are over 18 years of age with a driver’s license. Please feel free to invite family or friends to participate in our event. We can’t control the weather, so once we commit to the date we are locked in.
    When signing up on Evite, please include the name of your guest (optional).

    Let me know ASAP if us will be attending, so that we can make all the arrangements with F1 Boston. Again, we will plan on eating lunch at the track after the event.

    Sponsored By Tator's Garage! Thanks Chuck
    Last edited by Wot!; 02-17-2014 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    This is a great time with the New England group. Last year was a blast. I'm definitely in on this one.

  3. #3


    NEVC, I hope you Guys & Gals have been practicing because I hate to see adults cry when they lose!
    They are so bad at Karting that they stoop to cheating! Here is an excerpt from their news letter from last years F1 event:

    "We had a great turnout for the event this year with 11 first time racers, and 3 women racing. It was our all time high for us also. Tony Peruginin, the President of the NY Viper Club, Chuck Tator, and 2 other NY Viper Club members came to our event. Today’s trophies were sponsored by Tators Garage, thank you Chuck.

    F1 Boston treated us all like champions today. After we signed our next of kin death forms, we were off to the track. Oh yeah, here's one little tid bit of information. The track manager came up to me before the event, we talked about safety crap of sorts. Afterwards I asked him if he could add some weight into Chuck Tator’s kart. “No problem”, he says, “Will 60LBS do?” I replied, “Yes indeed.” So Chuck Tator started in the middle of the pack, not only did Chuck Tator finish first in that race, he also had the fastest lap time! And that is with 60 LBS of weight in his kart!! Chuck you are the MAN!!!."

    My response to their antics......

    It is a fun event especially watching NE tuck tail!

    I will be driving up and I have room for four others if you want to go. Let me know!

    Hey NE....
    Last edited by Viper Wizard; 02-20-2014 at 01:49 PM.

  4. #4


    O Look, my post has been up for five days now and not a word out of NE? You all must be really scared?

  5. #5
    whitebeard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    PSAC2, Bronx, NYC
    I'm in
    Janni called me a smartass.......I feel honored and humbled.......

    Ron Wasserman, Jerome Sparich, Normand Chouinard, Paul Mumford, Chase the wind, feel the turn,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    White Mnts of NH
    I am sorry to announce that the F1 Boston event this year has been canceled. We were not able to get enough participants to make it happen this.

    Maybe next year!



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