Hey all, there are several of us attending the Chrysler Nationals at Carlisle, PA. The event runs from 13-15 July, but those that I have talked with will be showing up for Saturday only. The PA/WV chapter has cordially invited anyone with a Viper to sit in their tent and enjoy their catered food, so don't forget to bring your VOA membership badge to display your pride in our club and represent our chapter to the many MOPAR fanatics that will surely be there. I understand this event draws in over 3,000 cars of all MOPAR makes, models, and years, so come ready with good walking shoes, plenty of sunscreen, and a folding chair so you can take a break. If you'd like to join the show field, here is the link to the event. Cost is $55 and automatically gets you entrance to the field, admission to the event, and entry into the judging for a potential win in your category - you need not be present on Sunday to claim your prize should you win. Hope to see many of you there on the 14th, and if you are leaving from the DC metro area let me know, as a few of us will be meeting up early in the morning to roll up as a club caravan.


