Morning all,
I've had an issue with my 2004 Mamba edition over the course of the year (it doesn't do many miles) where it would squeak on startup. The squeak would increase with revs and go away after 5 minutes of driving. After changing the tensioner and idler pulleys (as they were both identified as having dry bearings) it got a little better and then came back. This time a drop of water on the belt and it was gone straight away and so a new belt is waiting to be fitted. However, when I was changing the pulleys I noticed the crank bolt was finger tight. So I tightened it up as tight as I could get it to go (in gear with wife in the car on the brakes). Its done maybe a maximum of 100 miles since then and was loose again when I checked it before fitting the new belt. This time not finger loose but certainly not torqued.
I've read about dampner damage and crank damage that may occur as a result but having taken the crank bolt out I cannot loosen the crank pulley - its rock solid.
What should I be doing next? Do I need to remove the dampner to check everything behind it looks OK, how do I do that? Or should I just torque it up (160lbs ft?) with some loctite on it?