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  1. #1

    2004 Crank Bolt Query

    Morning all,

    I've had an issue with my 2004 Mamba edition over the course of the year (it doesn't do many miles) where it would squeak on startup. The squeak would increase with revs and go away after 5 minutes of driving. After changing the tensioner and idler pulleys (as they were both identified as having dry bearings) it got a little better and then came back. This time a drop of water on the belt and it was gone straight away and so a new belt is waiting to be fitted. However, when I was changing the pulleys I noticed the crank bolt was finger tight. So I tightened it up as tight as I could get it to go (in gear with wife in the car on the brakes). Its done maybe a maximum of 100 miles since then and was loose again when I checked it before fitting the new belt. This time not finger loose but certainly not torqued.

    I've read about dampner damage and crank damage that may occur as a result but having taken the crank bolt out I cannot loosen the crank pulley - its rock solid.

    What should I be doing next? Do I need to remove the dampner to check everything behind it looks OK, how do I do that? Or should I just torque it up (160lbs ft?) with some loctite on it?



  2. #2
    In regards to identifying if you have done any damage or not..... I'm not sure what to tell you. How loose was it? You may want to take it to a knowledgeable shop, especially if it is still making any strange noises. This was a known issue on the early GenIII engines. You should look into ordering a pin kit. Many vendors have them, I believe I had ordered mine from Justin at JMB Performance for an 04 that I had. Cheap insurance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    2003 had the larger damper bolt. Issue started with 2004.

  4. #4
    I'm the UK ('original' England ) - no knowledge on the car here. You guys (and Mark and Barry) are all I have...

    It was currently running fine aside from the squeak - loads of power. I could put the bolt back in, torque it up with locktite this time, add the new belt and see if its happy. I just wondered really if the dampner being tight was a good sign and I could 'carry on' with little to worry about...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rochester Hills, MI & Orlando, FL
    As indicated above a pin kit is the only proven solution. That said if the damper has not spun on the crankshaft nose and all is okay for the fit, then Loctite applied to the fastener should be an effective long term solution. I am assuming this does not have a supercharger installed. If so a pin kit is a must.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperSRT View Post
    As indicated above a pin kit is the only proven solution. That said if the damper has not spun on the crankshaft nose and all is okay for the fit, then Loctite applied to the fastener should be an effective long term solution. I am assuming this does not have a supercharger installed. If so a pin kit is a must.
    No power adders here, car is stock apart from a Corsa Cat Back and a swinging pick up in the sump.

  7. #7
    Tech Team

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Santa Monica Ca
    Most likely everything is fine, Just add loctite to the bolt and torque it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    2nd the loctite and torque to spec. Keep an eye on it and watch for run out issues or what you have seen so far. You could add a little loctite to the mating surfaces as well, but that’s probably overkill. It’s not unheard of in industrial settings.



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