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  1. #1

    Wiring New Alpine Head Unit

    I bought an Alpine CDE-163BT head unit and I am wiring it in. Need some help mapping the new head unit to the factory wiring. There are 8 connections on the main connection:

    Factory Radio connection : New Radio Connection
    ANT - Assume this is for the antenna, : Power Antenna???
    ACC - Accessory? : Remote Turn on? connection to AMP
    AVC - ??? : ????
    Ill - Illumination : Illumination
    Park - ???? : ?????
    BAT - Battery : Battery
    GND - Ground : Ground

    Which connection is for the ignition wire, Park?

    The new Alpine has a connection called Audio Interrupt In - what is this for, and what lead from the factory harness should this be connected to?

    Thanks for the info


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Viper Drive, AZ
    I know this doesn't answer all your questions, but I have a 2001 and used this information:

    2000 Dodge Viper Stereo Wiring

    This site only has pre-2001 Viper diagrams.

  3. #3
    Park and avc (auto volume control) don’t get used any more. The remainder get hooked up to the new plug. I don’t remember an audio interupt. I didn’t have that on my head unit.

    Post some pics.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    I just installed that exact same unit in my '01 a few months ago. Did a complete writeup on it at our forum including completely rewiring for speakers, trunk subwoofer, 5-channel amp, power supply, etc. However, for now, those wiring pinouts you list sound like chassis harness side, not from the Alpine head unit. When I wired mine I went from the head unit to the car making connections not the other way. I had several chassis side wires that went unused. So could you clarify your list above, which direction you are wiring? Car to radio or radio to car.

  5. #5
    I want to keep the factory wiring so I am wiring from the car to the radio, the formatting in my first post did not remain so it didn't communicate my intention well sorry .

    The attached image is of the factory radio and therefore the factory wiring IMG_0477.jpg

    From some earlier responses, are these the connections from the factory harness to the new radio?

    ACC to Ignition
    BAT to BAT
    GND to GND
    ILL to Illumination
    ANT to Power ANT (need to supply power to the FM antenna correct?)
    Park - Not Needed
    AVC - Not Needed

    Wiring Diagram for new radio IMG_0478.jpg

    I purchased from an on-line seller a DIN adapter. Two wires from the adapter will go to "Remote Turn-On" on the new radio (turn on AMP correct) and ground. The RCA jacks wil plug into theback of the new radio for speakers.

    Do I connect anything to the new radio feed - Audio Interrupt On ????

    thanks for all the help

  6. #6
    Here is a photo of the DIN adapter I ordered Female DIN (plug into wiring harness)
    DIN Adapter.jpg

  7. #7
    No, that auto interrupt is for a car that has a built in phone IIR. The auto interrupt, AVC, and Park will not get used. They should be disconnected and left in the original white pin harness or tapped up in the dash. That DIN connector is not very hard to make if the one you get doesnt work well. The front speakers share a common ground ... same with the rears. Just check continuity on the pins to the wires to make sure it is pinned correctly. If you need a din connector I have a spare one if you end up going that route.

    I used 90 deg RCA connectors when I made mine. It helped to give more room in the back between the head unit and firewall in the dash since the original didnt need have them. I also found the antenna was to short to reach the connection on the new head unit. It was on the opposite side of the original Alpine head unit. I got a simple 9inch extension off amazon and it worked great.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Driving around with contaminated fluids braking at 95% while squirting WD40 in people's locks
    So yes, attempting to integrate an aftermarket head unit in to your factory chassis wiring will not be a direct swap, wire for wire, function for function. That's why it is better to wire from the radio to the car, as ultimately you are trying to tie the available radio functions in to the car, not the opposite.

  9. #9
    I literally just finished installing the same head unit in my 93 viper, but the car is currently in the shop for a radiator swap. Once I have it back I can post some info.



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