Hi Guys, hope some one out there can help, I work at a garage that has recovered a 1994 RT10. The owner has kept it off the road for some considerable time but has kept up the charge with slow charger, The info we were given is that it will only start and run for a few seconds, it has happened on him once before but started after he grounded out the lead on the alarm, (please do not laugh as he thought grounding the system meant the planet we live on, not realising it meant the vehicle earth/ground ) how ever the key fob does work as the dash displays system armed and if you open the door the alarm does go off, disarming and opening the door the alarm does not go off. We have both the key and reg document to confirm ownership even though we have known him to own this vehicle for some time, I have checked the fuel pump relay and powered up the pump which works fine, also when you turn on the ignition you can hear the fuel pump running, but it will still start when cranking and fun for a few seconds. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks for reading such a long posting. Merv