Here's a weird one. I went to start up the ACR today, and when I got close to it (it sensed the key), the locks started locking and unlocking, and the windows started going up and down. Then, the doors popped open on their own. I was kind of scratching my head at that one.
That's something that I've never seen before. Battery voltage was a bit low, but not horrible (car started). I start the car every week and run it from idle to around 2000 RPMs until the oil gets to at least 200 degrees and it started up just fine last weekend and the poltergeist was not present.
Anyone else experience something like this? The only other weird thing that I've had go on with the car is that the driver's side window went out a few weeks ago (loud screeching/grinding sound when closing the door or running the window all the way down). From there, the window stuck in a position about an inch from the normal top. I got the DSE kit to fix the windows, but now I'm completely baffled at these weird electrical issues.
I put a charger on it and I'm going to see if that makes a difference in an hour or so.
Really weird. I think maybe it's pissed off at me for even thinking about selling it.