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  1. #1

    TPMS issue Light on reading preasure but wont learn

    Out of the blue, my TPMS light went on. Went to the dealer. They scanned the car for issues and said the computer is not communicating with the sensors. Weird because they were reading and displaying the tire pressure accurately on all four wheels. Dealer went ahead and replaced all the sensors and the problem was fixed, for about 20 minutes until I got home. I took the car back to the dealer a few days later, the scanned and this time it was one of the sensors that was not communicating with the computer but again, was still displaying the proper pressure. They replaced the sensor, scanned it again and now the other three stopped communicating. WTF

    We have opened a case with SRT and will await their input. In the meantime, do you guys have any helpful info for me?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Funny my AC viper has the exact same problem. All pressures read correct but I have the idiot light on. I have not taken mine to the dealer yet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Seminole, FL
    Sounds like the actual problem may be the Tire Pressure Module (TPM) itself. It's located in the left rear wheel well area bolted to the frame.

    I had this problem before on one of my Challengers and that is what it ended up being.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by nx91notch View Post
    Sounds like the actual problem may be the Tire Pressure Module (TPM) itself. It's located in the left rear wheel well area bolted to the frame.

    I had this problem before on one of my Challengers and that is what it ended up being.
    Had my module replace in my 2015...ensure they reconnect the brake vent tube to the rear wheel, the local dealer did not.

  5. #5
    That's exactly what I told the dealer it might be, TPMS module, but they were comprehensive and wanted to open up the case with Star first. Ill push them to replace that and report back.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greenwood Village, CO
    Happened once on my 15 TA 2.0. Dealer connected their computer to the system and did a reset of some kind. Problem went away and never came back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Anton, have they unplugged the module...then plugged it back in...msy cure micro corrosion on contacts. This is what many do first before throwing parts randomly at the car. Just a thought.

    In my opinion, we are slipping into an era of a tunnel-vision, mouse-clicking, module tossing culture with little knowledge or respect for the basic technician skills and procedures. Easy to blame "orders" from Tech Connect for failures/delays especially when systematic thought and work may be involved. Rant of luck.



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