Chicago motors has this listing with no pictures
Viper John –Great come back!!
Chicago motors has this listing with no pictures
Viper John –Great come back!!
Looking to purchase before end of month. Someone help this guy join the viper family!
Stryker Green is one of the best color. Absolutely love mine.
How about the GTSR blue, it was a close second choice for my colors
The VE has a stage 2 set up thats awesome and I saw this one on car guru
Sadly the ACRs are out of my current budget range. I’m debating strongly whether to just buy a base SRT for a good deal now or to keep waiting for the right car to come on the market.
As much as I would love to just buy the Stryker red one at VE right down the road from my house, it has quite a few scratches that aren’t cheap to fix with that paint job and in my opinion it’s about 20k overpriced.
I know of others who have found what I’m looking for within my price range in the past 45-60 days, but my timing has just been terrible haha!
I would wait until you find the right one and be ready to pull the trigger. You will have regrets if you compromise and buy one that isn’t exactly what you’re looking for. Every week there are new listings coming up
You are probably right. Need to find some patience lol.
Found the right car in colorado. has all the options I want but they are asking rediculous price for it. So frustrating. But I guess they say the hunt is part of the fun right?
PM sent to you.
Beautiful Orange TA, I think only 1 owner, 5.6k miles.
Buy it now $99k
I contacted the previous owner about it last year, not sure how much he let it go to the dealer for.
Last edited by serpent; 05-25-2018 at 10:17 PM.
Beautiful car but I have found the right vehicle for meanother week or so and I’ll be happily behind the wheel of my first viper