It couldn't have gone much better (and coming from a detail monger - I'm rarely content)! The vision for the event was executed perfectly and I think at the very least, it more than met expectations (and hopefully provided a few surprises as well). As NVE3 has officially drawn to a close, and as all of our club members continue on their journeys home, I wanted to say thank you!

  • Thank you to all the wonderful major sponsors who held us on their shoulders, reduced cost, and made such a lavish event possible! These specific vendors were not only big sponsors of the event, but in attendance providing support (keeping in mind most of them ALSO sponsor the club itself as well). Click here to see them and give them and recognize their contribution:

  • Thank you to my GREAT volunteers! Holy Lord, we wanted to go big so we built a massive team of helpers. There were over SEVENTY of them, 40 of which were critical to planning and many giving up their entire time there to work. You don't put on an event like this without them. I thank them for supporting the club, and also for supporting me, they are true friends. Most of their names were in the guidebook provided at the event and on screen. And there were certainly many anonymous contributors who jumped in when needed. You guys are amazing!

  • Thank you to all the attendees! It wouldn't be an event without you there of course, we all know what happens when you host a national event this big and no one shows... It's a big risk as there are hotel room blocks and the club treasury on the line. Instead, we sold out in days and when people arrived, they were in a real mood to party, and we certainly did! I can't ever remember energy being this high at a national event. The long build up probably had a lot to do with it, the count down for 2 years was excruciating. You guys had a great vibe and made this the type of event that Viper fanatics like. And you can tell by the 1st timer impressions, that they were blown away by our crowd!

  • Last but not least, thank you to my wife. I've been an officer in various capacities in this club for a (very) long time and have been helping out even before then, she's literally not known me (13 years) without having to also be married to the club. She's put up with a lot, and just with respect to this event - little time together, lots of inconvenience, averaging 2 hours of sleep a night (not kidding), skipped meals, no time with friends, damaged/lost personal stuff, personal expense, etc... And she was by my side working every second of the time and never complaining. Those who know us know that we're true partners in life, how lucky I am. I couldn't do it without her.

I was so happy to host this event, the smiles on all the faces was the best thank you. I truly get my personal satisfaction when I see the final product, and this was a big one, that's my reward. I had goose bumps watching the caravans arrive, the thrill of watching Vipers on the oval 3 wide, and the pleasure of seeing the sea of well over 1600 eyes staring at the stage. Plans went to perfection and without a single major incident. It was my honor and certainly a wonderful experience for us as we take our final bow in our final leadership role. It's hard not to serve the club that we love so much, but we'll certainly learn to enjoy it the way so many of you do - as a participant knowing THIS is the greatest club on earth!

Love you guys!


-Alex & Kristina Ristanovic