Mrs. Father Viper as they leave Northern Michigan for Greenbrier driving the 1995 Prototype Gen I with 90,000+ Miles
Continue to follow here and the VOA FB page!
Mrs. Father Viper.jpg
(yea - its outta focus)
Mrs. Father Viper as they leave Northern Michigan for Greenbrier driving the 1995 Prototype Gen I with 90,000+ Miles
Continue to follow here and the VOA FB page!
Mrs. Father Viper.jpg
(yea - its outta focus)
98 Ronzello PVP Pilot GT2
99 ACR
Capital Vipers Facebook Group
Capital Vipers Founding Regional President 2018 - 2021
Motor City Viper Owners - Associate Member
Coordinator - Amelia Island Cars & Coffee 2021/2020/2019, Hilton Head Concours 2019, Greenbrier Concours 2018
Coordinator - Hagerty Partnership
Coordinator - Spirit of Viper
GT2 Owners Group