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Thread: Comp Coupe 3

  1. #1

    Comp Coupe 3

    Chassis #3 is now in Clovis Ca. Special thanks to Ross Murray and Kurt Sollberger for a smooth transition!


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Dana Point
    Congrats Tom!!!!!

    Look forward to seeing you and the CC at Laguna.

    so how many times did you stall it moving around your driveway?? that triple disc takes some getting used to at slow speed launch

    Lots to learn and Lance, Ben and I will be happy to help, and Lance and I can help you with the sequential. We all can tell you all the stuff you'll need too

    Have you figured out checking the oil is now a 2 man job??? Take care and best wishes!!! Mike

  4. #4
    WooHoo !!! Congrats Tom ! Sorry I couldn't meet up with you, but looks like you got everything taken care of.

  5. #5
    Thanks guys,

    Ross actually had a oil dip stick he made for checking the dry sump tank, and I accidentally left it at the trailer where all the extras were stored. I hope to get it from him at some point.

    Yes on stall, lol...That baby doesn't engage until the very very end. The Emco is going to take quite a bit of relearning, for sure.

  6. #6
    Where is your dry sump tank located? In the footwell?

  7. #7
    Yes in foot well, and cool suit set up in passenger side.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Kansas City, MO
    I want a Comp Coupe at some point, those things are amazing.

  9. #9
    Some info from original team?

    VVC #3 origional team.jpg
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Exhlr8n; 04-19-2018 at 04:45 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Congrats! These cars are amazing on the track.

  11. #11
    Congrats and thank you for posting the photos and the team cover sheet!

  12. #12
    Tech Team

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Santa Monica Ca
    It appears that that is my original Comp Coupe ordered from Dodge. Car went to Canada when we sold it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Dana Point
    Quote Originally Posted by Exhlr8n View Post
    Thanks guys,

    Ross actually had a oil dip stick he made for checking the dry sump tank.

    Yes on stall, lol...That baby doesn't engage until the very very end. The Emco is going to take quite a bit of relearning, for sure.
    Tom, what I was trying to say is that you need to pull off the hood to check the oil, and I wouldn't try to take it off by myself unless the car was on fire!!!

    The clutch will get easier with time to navigate at slow speeds. Ben saw Ross move my car at his shop and he was so smooth it was like an auto trans!! 1st time with mine at the track, I just keep looking at the Motec to figure out what gear I was in

    Quote Originally Posted by 13COBRA View Post
    I want a Comp Coupe at some point, those things are amazing.
    Cobra, I was thinking of you as Steve started posting about his journey. Before you put another $10-$20k into your ACR you should strongly consider a CC if all your doing is tracking. Handles so much better, as fast in a straight line with my 514 rwhp vs. my old 605. Plus, so much safer!! Your ACR is fast, too fast to be protected by a street car set up!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Exhlr8n View Post
    Some info from original team?
    Great find Steve!! I figured that was from close to delivery. I see Dan wrote a post to confirm. Nice to have documentation that old!!

  14. #14
    Any info you have on it Dan would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can touch bases at NVE3?

    Thanks everyone for the congrats..!

  15. #15
    I see what you meant now Mike. I have already taken it off by myself a few times, no problem when your knuckles drag. lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Chalfont, PA
    Congrats on an amazing car acquisition!! Enjoy it to the fullest!! All I can say is "Wow" and I am jealous. Very nice!



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