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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    Quick vid of one of my passes in my Gen 4 last year!

    View from my Buddies high 11 second SRT 8 of my 10.8@133.5Mph pass, density altitude was 3200 feet that day and hoping to beat that this year

    In car view from my car same pass!

    Pic of the car
    Car is a 2009 VOI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    Ah yes I remember your car now, and the photography Thats a great run and the car is making great power! What was your 60' on that pass?

  3. #3
    I would have to look at the slip I think a high 1.6 if I remmber correctly! I'm hoping my new tricks to help with hear soak etc help the car as we only get good air when its cold here and then you usually idle the car more to keep warm Eh!

  4. #4
    That's awesome! Love the VOI cars!!!

    Is the car modded at all? If so what is done to it?

    I need to learn how to launch my 08 I am stuck and mid 11's because I lunch at idle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Timnineside View Post
    That's awesome! Love the VOI cars!!!

    Is the car modded at all? If so what is done to it?

    I need to learn how to launch my 08 I am stuck and mid 11's because I lunch at idle.
    Car has headers, custom exhaust and gears! Launch is tricky I think a set of 18" Et's would be the hot ticket but I don't drag race enough to warrant another set of rims and tires

  6. #6
    Which gears do you have? 3.55?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRucrazy View Post
    Which gears do you have? 3.55?

    Yes 3.55's!

  8. #8
    Nice I remember seeing that video.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by viper04 View Post
    Nice I remember seeing that video.
    Hoping to get some passes at a better track with some good air this year!



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